Real Estate Agencies Solutions

Real estate agencies

We love the property industry as much as you do and hence, we have chosen to be an expert in this space too. 

As a real estate agency, you have challenges such as busy schedule and working long hours etc. Hence, we want you to take your mind off on things that should not distract you in the first place. Giving you back time right now so that you can focus on looking after your clients and do what you do best whether it is property sales or management.   

You can now fully outsource your accounting functions or as much as you wish. 

Solutions are:

1. CFO and VCFO 

Every business owner must truly understand their business financial health and performance. We can help you to understand what does the numbers really mean and we will share our recommendations as well. We do face-to-face and virtual meetings.

2. Bookkeeping, accounting and taxation 

Depending on your requirement, we can customise the frequency of this for you. We do suggest making it relevant for your business and we will take care of all the taxation compliance requirements too.

3. Trust Accounts 

We will ensure you comply with your Trust Accounts requirements including liaison with the auditor, taking away any hassles and providing you a peace of mind.

4. Payroll and superannuation

Every business will have its own payroll cycle. We can make it seamless for you including automating the payment process for both payroll and superannuation.

5. Payables and receivables 

It is a fine art to manage payables as you do not want to pay your suppliers too early but you do not want to miss your payment as well because this will affect your relationship and potentially trading terms with them. We can help you to manage this effectively and efficiently so that you pay on time and maximise your cash flow position. 

When you have done the work, you should be paid accordingly and on time. This can be tricky sometimes for various reasons including not affecting clients’ relationship.  We can manage your receivables on your behalf based on criteria determined by you.